valentine s day virus
A Virus and a Hoax for Valentine's Day
18 Feb 2003 K@mm virus is also known as the Valentine's Day virus . W32.Yaha.K@mm is the latest in a long string W32.Yaha virus that have been discovered
Valentine's Day virus image - Image: Valentine's Day virus - CNET News
A Virus and a Hoax for Valentine's Day . Wednesday February 13, 2008. If you receive an e-card for Valentine's Day this year, make sure it's authentic and
China's authorities warn of Valentine's Day virus_English_Xinhua
31 Jul 2006 Chinese Valentine's Day Virus Spreading. A well-known anti-virus software provider has warned of the spread of a virus through the QQ
Virus attached to Valentine's Day e-cards: IT security firm - The
A new botnet is resurrecting Storm's Valentine's Day ruse and may originate from the same malware authors, security firms warn.
Virus , not roses for Valentine's Day , warns Imperva
10 Feb 2007 Here is what Luis Corrons, technical director, PandaLabs had to advise on the new Valentine's day virus , “As a general rule, don't open any
Valentine's Day virus
15 Feb 2010 TAIPEI, Taiwan --Be aware of the Valentine's Day e-cards you received lately, according to an internet security company, virus was found
The Love Bug: Valentine's Day Virus Strikes
13 Feb 2002 Valentine's Day virus massacre,Don't be fooled by a promise of love, technology news from Rene Millman at
FBI Warns of Valentine's Day E-Mail Virus - Science News | Science
Millions of people hoping for an e-card from their sweetie or loved one on Valentine's Day are ending up with nothing but a Valentine virus instead.
A Valentine's Day Virus - Americans Against Hate
12 Feb 2008 The Storm Worm virus has capitalized on various holidays in the last year by Valentine's Day has been identified as the next target.
The Love Bug: Valentine's Day Virus Strikes -- Security
8 Mar 2010 And last year, an Islamic cleric warned Muslim youth that Valentine's Day constitutes a virus “more dangerous than AIDS, Ebola, and cholera.
Chinese Valentine's Day Virus Spreading
Virus , not roses for Valentine's Day , warns Imperva. Security. Hackers preparing to attack consumers By Anuradha Shukla 12 Feb 2010
Valentine's Day virus
10 Feb 2008 10 (Xinhua) -- China's anti- virus authorities on Sunday warned computer users to guard against Valentine's Day computer viruses.
Give Your Lover a Virus This Valentine's Day With Giant Microbes
14 Feb 2010 Tech experts say to watch out for scammers who may try to flirt with you online using the holiday as cover.
Valentine's Day Computer Virus Warning -
Valentine.A worm. And while there's no indication of a Valentine's Day virus Valentine's Day Worm
Subject lines used in the attack are many and varied, but all pose as a romantic message, according to Sophos.
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